andrea and john | billings, MT wedding photographer

andrea and john were married on the most perfect spring day. montana springs are a little testy but we made it and the moment we were done with pictures, the wind picked up. it was fate. i think that i say this just about every time i post a blog, but being friends with our couples is the best thing that's ever happened to us. the first time we met andrea and john (over coors light and pickles), we talked for hours about concerts and weddings and them and we loved them. they're genuine people who are just precious together. my every interaction with them or just andrea (like the time we did her makeup trial at my house --- well, that's my new favorite thing), made me more excited for their wedding. and then it happened and they were surrounded by the most love and excitement all day long. and it's so much fun to be a part of that. so thanks for having us, andrea and john. YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST. 



gown: steppin out

tux rental: steppin out

flowers: costco, bouquets made by friend of the bride

hair: glo salon

makeup: carrie vreeland

catering: torres cafe

dj: interactive dj

ceremony venue: mary queen of peace church

reception venue: saddle club

videographer: shane fairbanks, pinup productions

photographer: evan and larissa photography